Monday, February 6, 2012

Thoughts on Residual Haunts

I have been thinking lately about residual haunts and if this is really a true interpretation of what people experience. The conventional theory is that when when people experience a haunt in which the spirits seem  oblivious to the living, is just a replay of past events and there are no spirits there. It is felt that certain mineral deposits contribute to this, such as quartz, magnitite and limestone or running water. It is felt that these natural occurring substances can retain information or give off energy to produce these residual haunts.

Now here is what I have been thinking. My thoughts on the subject are just as valid and reasonable as the prevailing theories that exist at the moment. All theories on the subject are conjectures without any true basis in fact. My thoughts are that perhaps there is no such things as a residual haunts. What one sees when one experiences such an event is seeing into the realm of spirits of those who have died and are still working out life's problems. Perhaps what we call intelligent haunts are actually the 1/3 of our brothers and sisters who rebelled and became devils, seeking to mimic, deceive and mislead us.

Remember, I do believe that every man, woman and child that died here on the earth is still here on earth and that if the veil were pulled back we would see them. However, I believe there is more structure to the afterlife than just that. I feel there are divisions in the world of spirits based on our acceptance of certain laws and ordinances which have been set forth from before the world was. I believe that those that have not worked out their obedience to these laws and ordinances are in one realm or condition to continue to work out their lives and those which have worked out their obedience to these eternal laws and ordinances are in a realm or conditions which we do not see in to. I feel that those that interact with us are truly those that have been cast out, trying to deceive and mislead us.

I know that this idea is very controversial, but, I feel that it should be considered. Remember ghost hunting is just an attempt to explain that which can not be explained, just like any other religion out there. There is no connection between the unexplained events which we record and the existence of spirits. Any thoughts you have on the subject would be greatly appreciated.

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