It has come to my attention that many of you are not convinced when I say there are no child spirits. I guess I need to explain and outline where I'm coming from. Remember I have always maintained that ghost hunting and all things related to it are founded in belief. There is no proof or direct evidence of the paranormal. We can only truly say that there are occurrences that we can not explain at this time. With that said I will explain to you my belief on child spirits.
Before we came to this earth we lived with our heavenly father. We are his spiritual children with Christ being the eldest of us. We lived with our father and progressed as far as we could. We saw that he had a body of flesh and bone and we wanted to become like him. In order to do that a plan was set forth by which we could come to this earth and gain a mortal body. We were to come here to experience all stages of life from infancy to old age and all the mental and physical developments and ailments that go with it. We came here to learn faith and to keep the commandments which our Father has given us. We were given the precious gift of agency and could choose for ourselves whether we would do good or bad. In order to test us, teach us and to help us learn and gain faith, a veil was drawn over our memories so that we could not remember our life in the preexistence. Again I say in the life before this mortal one we grew and progressed as far as we could. We grew to full spiritual maturity. However, we were still innocent. We had not and could not learn faith there and we could not understand the difference between joy and sorrow because we had not yet experienced that. We needed a mortal body to learn all these valuable lessons. Since all progressed as far as they could before taking on a mortal body, there are therefore no child spirits. We then pass through this life learning these lessons. Then we die and pass into the world of spirits which is here on earth. Every man, woman and child that ever lived here on earth is still here. They are waiting to be reunited with their bodies. To be raised to immortality as was promised to all those who kept their first estate and earned the privilege to come here to earth to be tried, tested and learn.
If while on a ghost hunt you see a child spirit or photograph one it is a deception. Just hearing an EVP of what sounds like an immature voice does not mean a child spirit is present. A lot of people have what can be mistaken for child like voices. Remember, an individual that has died will maintain the same personality there that they had in life.
As far as deception goes remember there are 1/3 of are brothers and sisters who rebelled, being led by Lucifer, in the preexistence and were cast out and came to this earth to tempt and deceive us. They are eternally forbidden to gain a body and thus wish to share their misery with us. This is the source of all child spirits. It is their desire to mislead us and prevent our return to our Father.
So be aware and guarded as you Ghost Hunt.
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