This blog is about the types of spirits you may encounter while you hunt. The first issue to get out of the way is that there is no way to look at this without invoking religion. Regardless of people or other hunters may say ghost hunting itself is a Religion. I say this because religion provides us with explanations of the world around us. Explanations we can not quantify by the scientific method. Things that must be taken on faith. Such as the existence of spirits.
Now that said I'll get back to the main subject. First you must understand that all things were created spiritually before they were created temporally. So trees, animals, people and even the earth have spirits. So it might not be unheard of to encounter the spirit of a deceased pet or other animal that has lived. You may also encounter the spirits of people who have lived here on earth and are basically still trying to work out there lives. These are just people, with beliefs and desires just like you and me. They can be people who tried to do good or people who did evil. What ever attitude they possessed while in life is the attitude they possess in the spirit world. They can be good or bad. There is one other type of spirit you need to understand and that is the demon.
You must understand that there is not all these different types of entities out there as you here about from all the various groups. Entities such as elementals and other nature spirits or what ever name you wish to give them. There is only the one third of the hosts of heaven which rebelled and were cast out of heaven along with Lucifer. These individuals did not keep their first estate and were not aloud to come to this earth to get a body as we were. In other words they are one third of Gods children, our brothers and sisters, who fought against Gods plan for all of us. They are here following Lucifer, who was a son of God like us, working to bring us down with their deceptions and lies to their level of misery. People will tell you that you can always tell when there a demon around because of bad smells or they physically attack you. This can be true, but remember, the legions of Lucifer can appear as angels of light and deceive us.
It must be said that any attempt to use mediums, psychic, Ouija boards, dousing rods, pendulums or any other such devices to contact the other side, no matter how well intentioned, only attracts these evil spirits, whose desire it is to lead all of us down the path of loss by means of their deceptions. All these means open us up to their control and influence. We must never do anything which surrenders the control of our precious bodies to these spirits. Even the recorders used to record the unheard voices or EVPs should be considered with caution. These recorders may show evidence of the paranormal, but the origin of those voices or evidences must be suspect.
One quick word about angels since I have talked about demons. Angels are not special creations with wings as everyone would have you think. They are our brothers and sisters who have lived on this earth in mortality just as we do, have passed on and have been called to deliver needed messages from heaven. All the angels mentioned in the Bible had a mortal existence here on earth. They our children of our god, as us. They were obedient in their first estate, as us. They were born into mortality, as us. They lived lives in accordance with God's law. They then passed away. In many instances they have been resurrected in order to physically pass needed keys to us. Finally they were called of God to pass these messages to us. An angel is a messenger called of God.
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